die kunst

Vienna_23.04.20_08:08 pm

[. . .] , wenn man nicht mehr begreift, was man tut und was man kann . . .

[. . .] , when one can no longer grasp what one is doing and what one is able to do . . .

Die Kunst und das schöne Heim. Heft 6. München, 1955


coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence

41 times written coincidence in 3 min

a longer break inbetween

coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence

42 times written coincidence in 3 min

coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coindence coincidence coinciedence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence

47 times written coincidence in 3 min

just a little break + improved ergonomical posture

coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence

34 times written coincidence in 3 min

10:59 pm

coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidnece coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence coincidence

49 times written coincidence in 3 min

one day later_02:02 pm_ while listening to Caruso_[no correction after time out]

existential sensibility

Vienna_21.04.20_11:41 pm

Denken wir uns Resonanzverhältnisse als ein dynamisches Interaktionsgeschehen, als ein Wechselspiel [Ping Pong?] zwischen Subjekt und (um)Welt, ein Berühren und partielles Ineinanderfließen.

Let us think of resonance relationships as a dynamic interaction, as a mutual interplay [ping pong?] between subject and the world, as a contact and a partial flowing into one another.

resonare „widerhallen“

Begrifflich wird damit ein rhythmisches Aufeinanderschwingen vorausgesetzt, daher müssen spezifische Synchronisationsereignisse stattfinden.

Conceptually, a rhythmic coordinated oscillation is presupposed, therefore specific synchronization events must take place.

adaptet from: Rosa, H. Resonanz. Eine Soziologie der Weltbeziehung. Suhrkamp Berlin, 2. Auflage 2019 [1. 2016], p 55

for the time being

Vienna_01_04_20_04:59 pm [Spiegelung im Schaukasten der Kirche / Reflection in the showcase of the church: Until further notice, there are no Holy Masses! + GIMP_Filter_Render_Linienexplosion]

Denn hier erblicken wir das Walten der Natur im Bilde eines allumfassenden Dramas, dessen Autor das Leben ist.

Uexküll, Jakob von. Der Sinn Des Lebens. Stuttgart: Klett, 1977 [1947]. p 17

Because here we catch sight of the pervasiveness of nature in the image of an all-encompassing drama, the author of which is life.


Vienna_18.04.20_09:14 pm

“Contingent” denotes the status of facts whose existence is given but which are neither necessary nor impossible. A contingent proposition is neither necessarily true nor necessarily false. Contingent propositions depend on the facts, whereas analytic propositions are true without regard to any facts about which they speak.


“Kontingent” bezeichnet den Status von Tatsachen, deren Existenz gegeben ist, die aber weder notwendig noch unmöglich sind. Eine kontingente Aussage ist weder unbedingt wahr noch falsch. Kontingente Aussagen sind auf Tatsachen angewiesen, während analytische Aussagen ohne Rücksicht auf jegliche Tatsachen, die sie enthalten, wahr sind.

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